Thursday 6 January 2011

More magazine contents analysis!

House style- They've put each page of the magazine into categories and used colour to categorise them into groups.

Use of pictures- Pictures are the main feature of the contents page, they've put the page number of what the pictures link to, to help the reader find what they want easily.

The logo- The logo is used several times on the contents page, this will make the logo noticeable.

Variety of articles- The articles have been put into categories to show which articles link to eachother.

Language- The editor has written a small column which is written in a really friendly way rather than a formal way this indicates that she sees readers as friends and no just no bodies.

Use of font- When the word more! is used it is written in the same font so it is noticeable to the reader. The titles of each category are written in bold to stand out as titles.

Connotations of pictures- All of the people in the pictures look friendly making the magazine look nicer towards the audience which would warm them more to the magazine, the colours are also quite soft.

Audience response- This contents page is set out easily so people can read around the magazine easily and the friendliness of the page will make the audience respond well.

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