Thursday 6 January 2011

Double page spread analysis of more! magazine.

Use of colour- The colours used on this DPS are Black, Gold and white. Black represents power so she may be being represented as confident and powerful.

Use of title- The title 'Cheryl' is big and bold but the use of the colour gold softens it a bit making it less intimidating to the reader.

Use of font- The title is a very feminine font but the actual article is in a much more serious boring font.

Will it appeal to the audience- I think this page will appeal to the audience because the audience are mainly women and it is a very elegant looking page.

Picture- The main picture is just the main feature standing confidently staring out at the audience making them focused on her. The rest of the images are images by paparazzi of two of her most talked stories of her at the moment.

Use of logo- The magazine logo is not used at all on these pages.

Quotes- This article is an interview so it is mainly her talking. There is one main quote -I DONT HAVE THE TIME FOR LOVE' A bold statement will automatically make readers want to find out more.

Features i like- i like the colours scheme used.

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