Thursday, 27 January 2011

analysis of GLAMOUR contents page

House style- The colours used are quite neutral as its an october issue the colours match the season of the month, autumn. The pages of the magazine are all put into the groups and then categorised by colour which makes it easier to find what your looking for.

Use of pictures- The magazine has only used one picture on the contents page. The picture although its large doesn't really stand out as much as it could, their is also a few pictures on the second page of the contents but they are not to do with the actual content of the page they are linked to a competition the magazine is hosting.

The logo- i cant see that the magazine has a logo.

Variety of articles- The articles have been put into categories such as 'on the cover' and 'fashion and beauty' which helps the magazine be easier to read and digest.

Language- The contents page has lots of punctuation to stress each point quickly and clearly. They would want it to be quick and clear because people don't want to have to read a lot on a contents page they just want to know where to find it.

Use of font- The font used is quite plain and boring but they have made the main points bold to add effect.

Connotation of pictures- The woman in the picture doesn't resemble the models that you would normally see in a woman fashion/lifestyle magazine she is doing the typical pose and the wind swept hair but she doesn't come across as the usual size 6 model you would find which could represent that the magazine isn't like other magazines it has a wider audience and branches out to any size of people showing them what they also can wear rather than just smaller sized women.

Audiences response- The magazines contents page is very easy to navigate yourself around this would make the audience pleased as when reading a magazine you want to find what your looking for fast rather than having to read through tonnes of writing.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

double page spread analysis of kerrang! magazine

Title- The title of this article appears to be a quote by the main feature ' im gonna carry on till i drop' this straight away attracts the reader to the article making them want to know more.

Colour- colours used are black blue and white as the article is about a man and the colours used are boyish colours.

Font- The font used is bold and confident which may be a reflection on the main feature.

Will it appeal to the reader- The reader for this magazine would be for mainly males so this would appeal to them.

Picture- There is only one picture on this spread, the man is standing giving direct eye contact to the audience.

Design features- the border at the top of the page is a bit rough which may show that the man in the picture is a bit rough around the edges himself.

Logo- the logo is only next to the page numbers in the corners of the page.

analysis of kerrang! contents page.

house style- The colours used are black, yellow and red these colours are all quite bold like the music the magazine is about.

Use of picture- There is one main picture in this page which is linked to the poster special in the magazine it shows the reader directly where to go. There is also a picture of the editor next to her column to show who wrote it.

The logo- The logo for Kerrang! is their masthead it is only there once on the page. If you are a Kerrang! reader it is very noticeable.

Variety of articles- The articles are all set up into different categories to navigate the reader easier.

Language- The language used by the writer and editor is very friendly towards the reader as if their close friends.

Font: The font the used is the same for each title of the columns.

Audience response- The contents is quite easy to understand so the audience will respond well.

Double page spread analysis of more! magazine.

Use of colour- The colours used on this DPS are Black, Gold and white. Black represents power so she may be being represented as confident and powerful.

Use of title- The title 'Cheryl' is big and bold but the use of the colour gold softens it a bit making it less intimidating to the reader.

Use of font- The title is a very feminine font but the actual article is in a much more serious boring font.

Will it appeal to the audience- I think this page will appeal to the audience because the audience are mainly women and it is a very elegant looking page.

Picture- The main picture is just the main feature standing confidently staring out at the audience making them focused on her. The rest of the images are images by paparazzi of two of her most talked stories of her at the moment.

Use of logo- The magazine logo is not used at all on these pages.

Quotes- This article is an interview so it is mainly her talking. There is one main quote -I DONT HAVE THE TIME FOR LOVE' A bold statement will automatically make readers want to find out more.

Features i like- i like the colours scheme used.

More magazine contents analysis!

House style- They've put each page of the magazine into categories and used colour to categorise them into groups.

Use of pictures- Pictures are the main feature of the contents page, they've put the page number of what the pictures link to, to help the reader find what they want easily.

The logo- The logo is used several times on the contents page, this will make the logo noticeable.

Variety of articles- The articles have been put into categories to show which articles link to eachother.

Language- The editor has written a small column which is written in a really friendly way rather than a formal way this indicates that she sees readers as friends and no just no bodies.

Use of font- When the word more! is used it is written in the same font so it is noticeable to the reader. The titles of each category are written in bold to stand out as titles.

Connotations of pictures- All of the people in the pictures look friendly making the magazine look nicer towards the audience which would warm them more to the magazine, the colours are also quite soft.

Audience response- This contents page is set out easily so people can read around the magazine easily and the friendliness of the page will make the audience respond well.