Wednesday 23 March 2011

contents page

adjustments to front cover

To create my final front cover i used a different picture to my draft cover because the other picture wouldn't of got the audiences attention as well as this one because the eyes where closed, whereas these are facing the audience head on.

This image had a crowded background also but i edited it out so the main attraction stood out more to the background, i then changed the brightness and contrast slightly and cropped it slightly to fit the page.

I inserted the text straight onto the page and changed the size and colour on photoshop, i used different font this time to make the cover more interesting.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Over look of magazine front cover and contents page

Changes for front cover:
- More than one picture needed
-Change background ( to busy)
-Experiment with similair but different fonts
-Masthead needs to be bigger
-Picture needs to be looking out at audience

Changed for contents:
-Editors letter
-2-3 pictures
-Colour blocking behind fonts
-Need web address

Wednesday 9 March 2011

To create this contents page again i used original photography taken in my garden which i inserted straight onto photo shop and resized them, i could possibly have used more than theses pictures and replaced one with another feature from the magazine.
For the text i just inserted it straight onto the page using the same font as the cover to match it.
The boxes around the text, pictures and under the headings where created using the box tool from photoshop.

contents page

contents page 2

contents page

Friday 4 March 2011

final magazine front cover- HEADLINER

To create my front cover i used photoshop, the image i used i took myself in my back garden, the image is a bit crowded because of the objects in the background.
I didn't edit the image at all i just put the image straight onto the a4 page as it was when i took it.
The rest of the cover is just text, which i just inserted straight onto the page as well.

front cover- HEADLINER
