Thursday 16 December 2010

The masthead for The x factor magazine is the same as the logo used to represent the TV programme, it is big and bold which as well as it being the main logo it will recognisable because of the colour.

Although the magazine hasn't been around long it is already recognised in many places, the central dominant image always has a judge or a previous contestant which most people will automatically recognise.

Its got bright colours on normally which also draw more attention to the front cover.

This magazine has influenced my magazine because my magazine will be called 'headliner' which is like at festivals when you get a list of people headlining.

Similar with NME magazine it normally only has one person on a group of famous people as the central dominant imagine whereas i would not be able to do that.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Front cover and masthead analysis (task 3)

The masthead for NME (new musical express) is in a very bold block font, which is very recognisable because they use the same colours red, yellow and black and the same font for all their mastheads. The way they have used capitals will have a greater effect on its audience as they stand out more.

The title of this magazine is always in the same place in every issue, which helped it get their brand identity.
The front cover always features one specific band with a big bold cover story about them. They also have small stories up the sides to show what else the magazine involves.

This magazine has influenced my idea for a front cover because the masthead is in red, white and black which are also colours of some famous festivals such as reading and leeds, i could do this for my magazine as it is about festivals.
The main thing i could not do for my magazine would be that this magazine has one main band on the front whereas for my magazine i couldn't just have one because their normally isn't one specific band everyone wants to listen to their is a line up of the bands so i would have to show more than one.

Monday 6 December 2010

Festival moodboard.

The kind of person my magazine would be aimed at would be possibly college or uni student who like to listen to different genres of music, aged 16+.
They would be people who like all different types of music and like to read about different artists or bands.

Prelim task.

my magazine was aimed at the new students and possibly parents joining the school.
I used the two colours that are supposed to represent both girls and boys so that the magazine was approachable to both sexes.